
Homemade Gummy Soaps

By Ami Reece May 29, 2018

One of the hardest things to do is keep kids off the screens and active during the summer. What’s a parent to do? While Racer is a little young for this activity, here’s a fun activity I have done with kids 3-12. 


  • 2 1/2 teaspoons of unflavored gelatin 
  • 1 cup water 
  • 1 1/2 cup bubble bath soap (do not use the creamy/lotion soap)
  • Food coloring 
  • Paper dixie cups 
  • Small toys that will fit in the dixie cups

How to do it 

  1. Start by mixing the bubble bath and the water and then heat to almost a boil. If it gets foamy, that’s normal just lower the heat to reduce the energy. Alternatively, you can heat the mixture in the microwave. 
  2. Mix the gelatin in the heated liquid mixture and add colors to your choice. Drop the toy (we used dinosaurs from the dollar store) into the dixie cup. Put the cups on the plate and then slowly fill each dixie cup to just below the rim. Place in the fridge. 
  3. Because of the chemical properties of the soap, this project takes much longer to set than regular jello. Give it at least 24 hours in the fridge. Then, rip off the paper and place in the kids bathrooms. Tell them when their gummy soap bar is gone, they can have the toy to keep. They will start washing their hands for longer ensuring more germs get flushed down the sink. Yes!!